Core Drilling

We offer core drilling services for geological exploration, mineral extraction, and geotechnical testing, using advanced rigs, diamond bits, and core barrels to obtain high-quality rock samples and data. Core drilling involves using a hollow drill to bore precise holes through various surfaces. This technique allows teams to extract samples from materials such as rock, concrete, or soil. The extracted core samples provide valuable information about density, chemical composition, strength, and other properties. There are two main types of core drilling:

  1. Soft Coring:
  • Used for unconsolidated materials.
  • Effective up to depths of 500 feet.
  • Nested barrels protect the hole and prevent contamination during sample extraction.


       2. Hard Coring (also known as diamond coring):

  • Extracts competent rock samples.
  • Uses nested barrels, with the outer barrel extending to wash the surface before drilling.
  • Can reach depths of up to 5,000 feet.




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